Read this before Teaching Revelation (or other Apocalyptic texts)

Interpreting, preaching, and teaching through books like Revelation, Zechariah, Ezekiel, and the latter half of Daniel can be a bit intimidating. There are some great technical resources out there for better understanding these apocalyptic...


Why is the OT Sacrificial System so Bloody?

The OT sacrificial system is a constant reminder that we are not, in fact, “all right.” In fact, as an OT saint approaches the tabernacle, the ceremonial law vividly, repeatedly, and consistently proclaims “you’re not welcome here.” Or, more accurately, “come, but not to close.”


The Deer is Dehydrated

One of my favorite psalms is Psalm 42. It’s on many people’s top 10s, so I’m not special in this regard. It famously opens: As the deer pants for flowing streams, So pants my...


What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the OT?

This week I’m preaching on Hebrews 8, which describes the betterness of the New Covenant using Jeremiah 31. The passage raises the question: if the NT is so much better because of the presence...


Like a Mother Hen

I recently preached on John 19:23-27 at Christ the King. That’s the passage where Jesus gives his mother into the care of the beloved disciple. It was a privilege to consider a “mother’s comfort”...


Words that Lost their Pop

Have you ever noticed that we Christians use some words rather frequently in a religious or spiritual context, but almost never in what we might call “ordinary” life?


Get a Free Version of Logos

​Tim Challies has some great advice regarding Logos software here. If you are wondering when to buy books and resources from Logos, check out my analysis here.


Pilgrims without a Pilgrimage

Though we are pilgrims, like the Israelites of old, seeking a holy rest and a most holy place, nevertheless, we are pilgrims who, unlike Israel, make no pilgrimage.


This Present Wilderness

We live in a world of microwaves and digital watches, which, in the words of Douglas Adams, still seem like “a pretty neat idea.” No wilderness here. Technology is our savior from wilderness wandering; science is our Great High Priest.